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Your Dachshund is an energetic, smart, small hound canine that likes to dig and chase. Dachshunds have lengthy bodies, brief legs, and effective muscles. They had been bred to seek and flush out badgers, rabbits, moles, and different burrowing animals. They additionally have an extraordinary feel of smell, and are prized as monitoring dogs. There are numerous styles of Dachshunds, which include mini-, brief haired, and lengthy haired dogs.
Like all dog breeds, dachshunds are more prone than other dog types to some health issues. According to a study by the UK Kennel Club, Dachshunds in particular are more likely to experience back issues, canine cancer, seizures, or heart issues.

Back issues in Dachshunds
Back issues are a common occurrence in dachshunds. Known for having long spines, dachshunds. The spines of those elongated dogs are subjected to more pressure and strain than the spines of more proportionate dogs.
Dachshunds are more likely than other dogs to experience the same back and spine issues that people do as a result of this strain and differences in the cartilage of dogs with long bodies and short legs. Muscle spasms, slipped or herniated discs, and arthritis can affect humans and Dachshunds alike. Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD) is highly prevalent in dachshunds. When the cartilage in between a dog’s joints swells or ruptures into the dog’s spinal cord, IVDD results. A herniated disc is another name for it. The majority of a dog’s nerves are located in its spine, just like in humans. Extreme pain, reflex loss, and partial or total paralysis can all result from damage to their nerves.
A Dachshund with severe back issues is likely to experience symptoms over time and will likely be in discomfort. These symptoms could point to back issues:
- Sluggishness
- Hesitance to go up stairs
- Sensitivity when touched on its back
- Eats only when offered food by hand
- Restlessness or pacing
- Trouble walking
Only a thorough physical examination by your veterinarian can reveal whether your Dachshund has back issues.
Nerve damage causes partial paralysis in some Dachshunds. With the aid of a dog wheelchair, dachshunds who experience some motor function loss can live rich, fulfilling lives.

Canine Cancer in Dachshunds
Dachshunds are particularly prone to getting cancer or getting tumors. As in humans, dogs can develop cancer in a variety of ways. Dachshunds are particularly at risk of developing mast cell tumors, a type of skin cancer, or Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Cancer mainly affects older dogs. Therefore, once your dog reaches the age of about eight, you should check their skin for any abnormal lumps that may be present either on the skin’s surface or just below it. tumors or melanomas. Check their feet, too, since they’re especially vulnerable to Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Extreme loss of appetite and/or energy are other indications that your dog may be suffering from cancer.
Seizures and Epilepsy in Dachshunds
Other dogs are less likely to experience seizures than dachshunds. Your dog may be experiencing a seizure if you notice them beginning to spasm, paddle, or lose control of their bowel movements. You should schedule a visit with your veterinarian to have your Dachshund examined if it experiences a seizure. Call an emergency veterinarian right away if your dog experiences more than one seizure in a row, especially if they do not completely recover between them.
Like people, dogs can experience sporadic seizures. They may experience one seizure, go years without experiencing another, or both. However, if your dog experiences seizures frequently, they might have epilepsy. Medication is an option for treating epilepsy.
Always Consult Your Vet
This article won’t attempt to address every health problem that might arise in your Dachshund, but it can help you identify some of the symptoms that your pet may be experiencing. Also keep in mind that your dog should be treated by a veterinarian if they experience any of these health issues.
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